Chi Rho Camp

Summer Camp
Dates: July 20th - 24th $425​
6th and 7th graders
Chi Rho is a camp led by Directors and Counselors. This is a 4 day long camp to detach from the world and spend time in community, nature and one another.
Chi Rho includes a team building low ropes activity, small groups, pool-time, worship led by youth, archery and group games.
This camp encourages the youth to lead the camp as well as worship. Adults and counselors are there to lead activities and empowering conversations to help build faith and community.
Focus: Us and Others
Tools for emotion - Each one leaves with new abilities to "live" with each other.
Self-identity, the crucial question of "Who am I?" is the primary concern of children this age. They are able to think abstractly and, in terms of faith development, they are moving into the time of searching. Community, however, in terms of social importance and in terms of affiliated faith, remains very significant.

Hello! My name is Christian Chamberlain and I will graduate from William Jewell College in May with a degree in Music Education. I have been a counselor at Chi Rho for the last four summers and am so excited to return to Chi Rho as a director this time! I love getting to make such great memories in such a beautiful environment. We always have such a fun time together laughing, dancing, singing, and worshipping. This summer, we have so many fun and exciting things in store for our campers and I can’t wait to see how our wonderful campers inspire a whole new world of fun in July!
My name is Natalie Milne. I have been attending camps at Tall Oaks as a camper, counselor, and director for over 30 years! Tall Oaks is one of my favorite places in the world and I can't wait to share it with all of you at Chi Rho camp this summer! At home I am a school librarian, wife, and mom to 2 active kids (my daughter will be at camp with us this summer too)! I hope you can join us for the group games, swimming, small group time, worship, cabin time, learning about our faith, a talent show, a dance and so much more at camp this summer! It will be an amazing week of faith, learning, community, building friendships, and of course tons of fun and laughter! I can't wait to be at Tall Oaks with all of you soon!

Please contact the Camp and Conference Coordinator for the Greater Kansas City Region Christian Church Disciples of Christ Kylie Graham at gkccampcoordinator@kcdisciples.org or (913) 669 - 4782